2018 Progress Medal Laureates

Elizabeth Anderson
For her historically grounded moral philosophical exposition of the troubling structure of contemporary workplace governance and employee experience, the Society awards a Progress Medal to Elizabeth Anderson, the John Dewey Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Jean Tirole
For a seminal demonstration of the vital role of economic analysis and theorizing in better integrating private and common interests, and for an accessible and authoritative discussion of the inadequacies of private markets and public policies that underlie much societal anxiety, the Society awards a Progress Medal to Jean Tirole, professor at and chairman of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), France.

Donald MacKenzie
For exposing how fundamental financial theories and models don’t just explain but also, by rationalizing and legitimating practices and regulations, cause financial products, markets, and outcomes, the Society awards a Progress Medal to Donald MacKenzie, chaired professor of Sociology at the University of Edinburgh.

Robert K. Massie, Allen White, Jean Rogers
For pioneering work in developing standards and methods that today enable and encourage thousands of enterprises worldwide to pay attention to, measure, report, benchmark, and improve their environmental and ethical “footprints,” a joint award is made to Robert K. Massie and Allen White, co-founders of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); and to Jean Rogers, for creating the independent Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) which helps firms to better measure and disclose, on an industry-specific basis, sustainability information that is material to the proper pricing of their securities by investors and creditors.

Fadi Ghandour
For his bold and impactful scaling of venture funding and mentoring, including especially in technology, via Wamda, a platform for youth entrepreneurship, empowerment, and economic development in the Arab world, the Society awards a Progress Medal for reflective business leadership to Fadi Ghandour, Chairman and founder of Wamda Capital.
2018 Medal Committee
The nomination and award committee was constituted of seven members of the Society.
Medal Donors
In keeping with the nature of the project and its global relevance, the medal donors are esteemed business leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world.
The Artist Behind the 2018 Oil Paintings
Each Progress Medal laureate receives a binder holding a calligraphed certificate framed on the right of the binder, and a work of original art framed on the left. The oil on paper original art, inspired by the forests of Fontainebleau, was painted by Reid Masselink.